Monday, June 1, 2015

Admiration: Hatchery (VIDEO)

One of my residents (who has also been featured on this blog several times, including at this link) from my RA job last semester gave his mission farewell talk yesterday. One of my fellow RAs and I, yearning to see him, carpooled over to his church.

This handsome fellow has also been featured on this blog several times, including at this link.

The talk this former resident of mine delivered was amazing. I was grateful I'd come, and relished the opportunity to learn from him. Having served a mission myself, I know how simultaneously exciting and difficult preparing for a mission is. There he is, heading out regardless.

And there he actually is!

After his talk, we went over to his house to eat some food and catch up. I knew other people who'd come to support him as well, including another one of my former residents, and a small group of us ended up checking out the fish hatchery the family owns. It was really interesting trying to understand how the entire process works.

There they go!

At one point in our exploration, we discovered this strange phenomenon shown in the below video.

We had a hard time resolving our thinkjoust, so we approached someone who knew what they were talking about and asked why the fish were behaving in such a strange manner. We were informed that that sort of water contained a greater amount of oxygen, and therefore was more desirable to the fish.

So, I suppose neither of us were right.

Here's the fish-hatin' man himself, posing with some psychopath. This guy also appeared in a different post, here at this link.

Regardless, everyone knows I enjoy ribbing my friends, so here's the point. One person found something to admire about those derned fishes. The other person had nothing but scorn. SCORN, I SAY.

Just like my man's talk, it was easy to find things to admire about him and his message. Just like jumping fish, there are a lot of things, people, concepts, ideals for which we might initially find scorn.

I know I do, sometimes.

There was an instance recently when I went the long way around a beggar just so I wouldn't have to look him directly in the eyes and feebly protest that I had no cash (I didn't, but that's beside the point). What I should have done is be bold, be noble, perhaps ask him about his life, maybe offer to feed him, find out more about his views on life, process them, and become a better person because of it. That's what I wish I'd done, now that I look back.

So what can you admire today? Be sure to comment below!

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