Friday, February 27, 2015

Adding 'Ad' to Vice

2 Nephi 2:25-27 - "Adam fell that men might be, and men are, that they might have joy ..."

After the social dance on Wednesday, I made the mistake to listen to a bunch of sob music on Pandora on my way home, turning my thoughts to all the depressing things in my life. It was pretty sad! However, in my desire to rid myself of those feelings, I delved into some scriptures and prayer that reminded me of some basic principles I'd completely forgotten in my so-called throes.

The thing was, that little experience as a whole actually proved super useful to me yesterday. One of my good friends came to me seeking advice, and my stint from the day before had refreshed my memory pertaining to exactly what the Lord needed me to say.

Again, for me, this was a reminder that the Lord doesn't allow me, or anyone else, to suffer without reason, whether it is for ourselves or for our fellows. I know that! And you can too.

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