Monday, June 15, 2015

Adventure in All Things: Spicy Milkshake

Doctrine and Covenants 59:18 - "Yea, all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart ..."

This past weekend, a few of my friends invited me to go on an impromptu milkshake run at an easily-identified fast food chain by which I am most definitely not sponsored.

I'm usually a pretty decisive person, but when I was faced with this board of options, I was momentarily stumped. What the heck do I even want off of this ...

Wait ...

What is THAT?

Jalapenos? JALAPENOS?

I was torn. I like jalapenos. I like chocolate. But together? Jalapenos in a shake? It sounded strangely disgusting. I wasn't sure even I could handle it. If this is a thing, why haven't I ever heard of it?

And then, I decided. I grit my teeth.

All the other flavors are boring, anyway.

"And these shakes are half off, anyway," someone pointed out.

Yes. That.

So, very tentatively, I placed the straw in my mouth.


It was awesome.

What adventures have you had lately? Be sure to comment below?

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