Monday, June 22, 2015

What's Best: Unikitty

No, actually, I've never seen The LEGO Movie. I'm told I would like it, though!

It was my best mate's birthday yesterday. In order to express my appreciation for him, I bought him an assortment of nice but useless things, including a present for his cat: an inflatable unicorn horn.

Despite reassurances to the contrary printed on the package, which you can investigate for yourself at this link, my friend's cat did not "love it." He seemed frankly traumatized by the experience, which you can vaguely see imprinted upon his haunted expression in the photograph.

Even earlier in the weekend, I had the chance to have a talk with one of my friends (well, several of my friends, but one in particular) who casually mentioned off-hand that she was wrestling with an important decision. I, with nothing but good intentions, promptly leaped into an overly drawn-out spiel about my own opinions on the decision, during which I barely let her have a word.

As I was thinking about it later, I recognized I should have done a better job listening instead of talking. She, more than anyone else, myself included, knows what's best for her. 

Just like how the makers of a unicorn horn don't necessarily know what's best for a cat.

Love you guys! The one year anniversary of Change and Cherish is tomorrow! See you then!

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