Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Sharpen Your Saw: Canoe Trip

My ward went on a canoe trip for FHE this past Monday, and it was a blast! I mean, look how much fun I'm having!

Mad props to my canoeing partner and photographer.
I was thinking about it after the trip, and I realized I rarely allow myself to do stuff like that. Too often do I set such things aside to continue fixing my journal or work on my novel or do homework or something like that. True, all these things are good and uplifting, but if I refuse such opportunities every time, well, I become a bit stagnant, I suspect.

Case in point, I nearly refused to go on the trip. I hemmed and hawed my confirmation right up until the day before, and even then I reached a point where I almost just deigned to appear at all. I'm grateful I didn't, especially for the camaraderie I ended up building with certain individuals.

Creating time for unique experiences, be they in nature or otherwise, is important. It sharpens your saw and allows you to work more effectively later. I'm noticed an increase in my productivity since that trip, and I can't wait until I have another experience that allows me to perform even better. Hopefully, now that I've recognized this for the hundredth time, I can actually apply it.

Love you guys! See you tomorrow!

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