Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Thinkjoust Tuesday: Pie vs. Cake

Isaiah 1:18 - "Come now, and let us reason together ..."

While it is true that I haven't had a cake for my own birthday in many a year, preferring birthday pies instead, I still like cake. Who doesn't, right?

While today's thinkjoust begs the question as to which dessert is more preferred, I am going to use the body of this post to recall a different, particular and ongoing thinkjoust that has acted as the center of many conversations between myself and my friends for even more years than I've had birthday pie.

I say, and many of my friends disagree, that cheesecake is a pie.

Those in the camp arguing that cheesecake is a cake usually rely upon the breakdown of the moniker itself. If it's called a cake, then it's a cake. My rebuttal argument is that urinal cakes are not dessert cakes, but this clever argument is very quickly ignored by my opponents for how amazingly spectacular it is.

My next statement is that pies have crusts and filling, while cakes lack crust and rise. Again, I have never heard a proper rebuttal to this, beyond someone telling me I'm being dumb and that something called a cake is a cake is a cake, and that's all there caking is to it.

I don't know who's right, I guess, but you guys can tell me which dessert you prefer overall! Be sure to comment below!

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