Tuesday, September 30, 2014

100 Posts, 3000 Pageviews

Matthew 25:40 - "...Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

So, a few days ago, I noticed that I was nearing my one hundredth post in as many days. Wow! I thought. That's super cool! We had about 2700 views at that point as well. I thought about trying to do some sort of promotional thing, encourage you guys to spread awareness about the blog so we could hit 3000 views by the time we hit 100 posts, but finally decided against it.

Well, guess what you guys had all gifted for me when I hopped on today:

So, for starters, thank you! Thank you for the kind words! Thank you for your comments! Thank you for reading! Even if I only had 100 views, and every single one was from me, I would still be writing the blog, but because of you guys, I know I'm fulfilling the true objective I intended when I first started drafting: to daily uplift, encourage, and invite. Thank you for all you do.

This past week, I've been wracking my brain for something I could write about that would be purely awesome, a post worthy of legendary status as a proper thank-you for you guys. By the time 9:30pm rolled around last night, I still didn't have anything.

One of my RA friends and I were out roving through buildings, professionally killing moments, when she and I stopped at the room of yet another RA to say hi. He was so excited to see us, he offered me a piece of bread with Nutella slathered all over it. I was thrilled, and readily accepted the offer. Still, though, as he spread his gift, I was watching him, wondering, what can my 100th post be about? What? WHAT? What can I offer these my readers as thanks for all they do?

Then, all at once, it hit me. I immediately started snapping pictures.

My RA friends didn't impress me with fancy wrapping or long speeches or any pomp or splendor to speak of. They offered me a piece of bread covered with almond spread. And, for some reason, I felt I would have been more thrilled to receive that simple gift than I would have been to receive a kingdom, simply because I felt their sincere, selfless love pouring through no matter how much he claimed he was really just trying to deplete his stash. And that was perfect for me.

So, no. I can't offer all you guys Nutella Spread Bread (if I could, it would be a pretty cool gag for the 100th post) nor can I do anything like it. However, I continue to work hard so that, each and every day, I can offer you a comparable feeling of love and appreciation. And, in the same way, when your encouragement and words of love and even pageviews flow in, know that you're giving me my own Nutella Spread Bread.

Love you guys! See you again tomorrow!

To another hundred, year, and beyond, wherever life takes you or I,

Zac Strickland

P.S. One more thing: Some of you might remember my first website, zacjam.com, which has long been gone and dead. I never broke 3000 views throughout the entire two or so years I maintained the site. You guys are awesome!

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