Monday, September 29, 2014

Magnify your Responsibilities: Crazy Protein Shake (with Added Commentary)

Romans 11:13 - "... I magnify my office."

I felt a little bit like a slacker in regards to my spiritual responsibilities yesterday.

After all, after a long, rough night, I slept right through my Elder's Quorum Presidency meeting. Then, I spent the rest of the day trying to make up for my slack by setting up my companionship's first home teaching appointments. Of course, the irony didn't escape me that it was the last Sunday of the month ... and therefore I was slacking in that regard as well ...

But anyway, for those of you who don't know what it is, 'home teaching' and its sister 'visiting teaching' are programs that give the members of a congregation the opportunity to be a support and comfort for their fellow brothers and sisters.

My companionship's 'families' were amazingly gracious about our late visits, and we all had a blast. When we went to go visit the male roommates on our list, I joked about the fact that they hadn't made us a cake before we arrived. To make up for it (which, of course, they really didn't have to, but ok), they ended up mixing me all of their protein, body-building, and supplemental mixes into one bottle and allowing me to chug it. It tasted like Pepto-Bismol, and it gave me a lot of unneeded energy considering the lateness of the hour, but the experiences we shared--both spiritual and in drink-form--helped to forge a bond I'm sure will carry on through the rest of the semester.

Even despite the memorably infamous drink, what stood out to me yesterday was the fact that I need to put my God-given responsibilities first. Given my rushing around to do what I'd earlier shirked, the day was a bit more hectic than should have been considering the sacred, calming nature of the Sabbath. I also felt a bit guilty for missing that meeting and saving my HT visits for the very last Sunday, especially since I so determinedly encouraged my friends in Jamaica to consistently make their meetings and proactively do their home teaching.

My challenge for everyone today is to not do what I did today and find ways to magnify the gifts and callings God has given you. Take five minutes, think to yourself, and ask, "What can I do better in my own personal ministry?" Even if its just one thing, it will take you a long way.

I wrote a commentary on this post on May 28, 2015. Click here to read!

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