Monday, August 25, 2014

The Hunt for Sactuary

Acts 7:46 - "... and desired to find a tabernacle for the God of Jacob."

First Sunday on my own at Provo in over two years, and I have no idea where to go to church. In regards to my own ward, our information packets told us to attend sacrament meeting on the third story of the JKB at 10:30 [Location 1]. However, I was told that, since only a handful of students were on campus, we weren't holding services at all.
One of the other RAs told us we would be meeting in the Benson building [Location 3] at 11:00, which was way on the other side of campus. Not super thrilled about the prospect, another RA and I gathered our people together to make the exodus.
Then, one of the freshman went and told us that their professors had informed them that they would be meeting on the second story of the JKB [Location 2] at 10:30. That was a much more reasonable hike, and seemed to suggest that our wards might be meeting regularly after all, so we decided to risk it.
Once we reached the JKB, I ran upstairs to check Location 1. Nobody. Into Location 2 we trooped, about fifteen minutes early. My fellow RAs and I saw other RAs and some of our residents that had escaped us, though we saw no priesthood leadership at the front. We sat down and waited for a bit, chatting among ourselves.
When 10:30 rolled round, there was still no priesthood.
Fifteen minutes later, the same still applied.
My fellow May Hall RAs and I were sweating. Even though there was no way we could be responsible for what was going on, we still felt as though we should be given some accountability considering our positions. Finally, someone stood up and announced that they'd heard services were being held at the Conference Center at Heritage Halls at 11:00 [Location 4]. Off the crowd went.
My fellow RAs and were still sweating, worried we would fail to find a service at the conference center. We breathed sighs of relief even as we squeaked in a few minutes late. Even I'd forgotten what a hike it was from Location 2 to Location 4.
The stake president stood up at the pulpit, noting the addition stream of students. We all knew we were from Helaman, but he was none the wiser. "Well," he said. "It's been a long time since I've seen this many students on early check-in week!" He then welcomed all to the Stake.
It was exact Stake none of us were supposed to be in.
What to do? We shrugged and enjoyed the next three hours. Sacrament is sacrament, right? Better luck next time.

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