Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Moroni 10:34 - "... to meet you before the pleasing bar ..."

Yesterday was my last day at my internship.
It was interesting. Considering all the good-natured hazing and ribbing I received throughout my stay, which I'd anticipated and relished throughout, I was surprised that it seemed as though some of my coworkers were actually disappointed I was leaving. Several of my friends there said quite encouraging and complimentary things throughout the day, and leaving proved more difficult than I'd anticipated. Even though I had the option of ducking out early, I chose to stick it out to the very end.

Leaving seems to be a recurring theme in my life. I build friendships and relationships and then find myself presented with the reality that I'm going to have to abandon them. This happened in three ways here: work, home ward, singles ward. Poof. What helps me stomach through such times is the reminder that, one day, all of us will have eternity to spend time together in our individual families and circles of friends, that no good-bye is forever because we will all see each other again. It isn't perfect now, but then again, what is?

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