Monday, December 1, 2014

Under the Belt: NaNoWriMo 2014 (with Added Commentary)

Alma 31:34 - "O Lord, wilt thou grant unto us that we may have success ..."


I may have been an aspiring author for the entirety of my life, but given as how I'm completely distracted by the less important aspects of my life, like school and work and eating and breathing, it's always been difficult to really focus on producing quality--or, in this case, at least quantity--work on a consistent basis. As it is, I can honestly say I've never written this many words on a single project in so short an amount of time.

It was rough at the end, too. Given my determination to not write on Sundays, I woke up Saturday morning with some 4,000 words left to write before the end. I was sick, I was beat, and I personally wondered if I was going to succeed.

I did.

Anything you put your mind to, you, too, can achieve it. It may take time. Shoot, it may even take years. But I know, from personal experience, that whatever grand task you want to complete that's coming to your mind right now, you can achieve it.

I promise you that.

Hey there! I wrote a commentary about this post on January 14, 2016. Click here to read!

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