Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Thinkjoust Tuesday #16 - eBooks vs. Print Books

Last Week's Results: Can Girls Initiate Romantic Relationships?

I'm a Guy, and Yes: 56.3%
I'm a Girl, and Yes: 31.3%
I'm a Girl, but No: 12.3%

Shoot, the first two groups should get together. I'd love to here more from the opposition, but not too many people left comments. Y'all should comment, people!

So! I don't have too much to say about this one. Do you prefer printed books, or do you prefer digital copies?

I personally have read more eBooks than I have printed books in the last year. The ratio may be above 7:1. I find this somewhat ironic, seeing as how I used to vehemently curse the eBook market for its practice of over-saturation. Recently, though, I find the convenience of having an entire library on my phone hard to beat. What's more, I may soon be entering the eBook market myself.

On the flip side, there's just something about physical books that add to the magic of the experience. The smell, the texture, the signs of wear and tear that suggest true love has been exerted during many good reading sessions ... Ah, yes.

So, what do you think? Be sure to comment, and be sure to throw your voice up on the poll, there!


  1. In the last year i think my ratio is 8:2:1- audio, ebook, print. But I'm a huge fan of print. The convenience of audio and ebooks though is just took great.

  2. Ditto what Spencer McPhee said. Except for the ratios. That would mean I read at least 11 books in the last year. Didn't happen. But, yeah. Love the feel of paper, but the convenience of having an entire library in my pocket is amazing!
