Saturday, July 11, 2015

No Need to Fear: The Automatic Public Toilet

Just so you know, I realize how ridiculous this post is, but it makes me laugh. Enjoy!

I was in a Wal-Mart recently, trying to buy pikinik stuff for another fireworks celebration, when I discovered something very important. Something terrifying. Something dreadful.

I needed to use the public restroom.

When I was finished, I was stymied by the fact that the toilet wouldn't flush. I waved my hand in front of the censor a few times, I stepped back and forward and few times, I even did a few jumping jacks. Nothing.

After stressing over this for a few minutes, I finally gave in. I did all I could, I thought to myself. It's out of my hands, now. Letting go, I stepped out of the stall.

I heard the toilet flush behind me.

Flash! went my inspiration.

Click! went my camera phone.

You guessed it: I learned something from this experience.

Sometimes, things simply are out of our control. There are times when our alarm doesn't go off, when the pipes burst, when traffic makes us late, when someone chews us out, when somebody denies our worth and value. It is easy to stress in these situations, pushing against the grain to try everything we really can't to change a situation we have no control over.

It was when I finally decided to let my toilet run its course when it resolved the problem for me. Sometimes, there simply isn't much we can do. So why worry about it? In the end, God has everything in His hands, and he will be the one, in His wisdom, who ultimately helps us rise above our trials, even when He uses us as the instrument in solving those problems. I have seen that. I know that.

Even if it takes a finicky toilet to help me remember.

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