Friday, July 3, 2015

Protection: Helicopter Fleet

A few days ago, I headed outside and heard a low buzzing. Looking up, I saw a small fleet of helicopters flying over head, maintaining an impressive formation as they headed off to the North to locales unknown.

It's kind of hard to see, but those little specks in the sky are helicopters.
While it was true I didn't know why the helicopters were there in the first place (such a sight is rare here where I live), the sight brought me some level of comfort. Right above me flew direct evidence of my nation's care and concern for my safety and well-being. Somebody was watching overhead, and that was enough for me.

Of course, it's easy to be reminded of that through physical evidence. Sometimes, it's more hard to remember that God is doing the same for us, all the time, twenty-four seven.

I know He does, though. I know He's watching out for me and for you and for everyone on this planet, leading and guiding us so we don't ever have to feel insecure or alone. That is something I occasionally take for granted. I hope the sight of helicopters keeps reminding me. 

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