Saturday, October 11, 2014

Meet the Mormons Review

Job 29:19 - "My root was spread out by the waters, and the dew lay all night upon my branch."

I went on a double date yesterday and had a great time!

The preliminary activity was to go and watch the new blockbuster Meet the Mormons, which I actually really enjoyed, despite my general dislike of the director's choice to juxtapose the actor at the very beginning of the film alongside focus stories about real people with real concerns and life stories. Oh, and I wished they'd thrown a bit more third-world in there. Just saying.

Beyond that, the movie did exactly what it wanted to do, even beyond my expectations. For Mormon movie-goers, it was a great way to see other Mormons in a variety of circumstances most likely both similar and unlike the viewers' experience, helping them view their own lifestyles in a completely different light. For non-Mormon movie-goers, not only can they see we Mormons live normal, fulfilling lives like normal, motivated people, they can learn just a little bit about our basic beliefs, particularly the Christian values we love and cherish. As it is, I recommend everyone to watch it, and then take their friends to watch it and then take their friends' friends to watch it and then take their friends' friends grandparents to watch it, too! No, wait; I issue an official challenge!

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