Sunday, October 5, 2014

Giving Different People a Chance

So, I went to the preisthood session of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints' general conference yesterday, which was a total blast. More on my whole conference experience tomorrow.

So, while I was there, I witnessed the slew of protestors who don't like members of our faith telling us the beliefs they don't think we have. One guy was actually really stellar, telling us all about how we need to believe in and worship Jesus Christ. The things he was saying really resonated with our beliefs and understanding, so while I appreciated his message, I didn't understand why he felt the need to correct us when, well, no correction was necessary. I believe in Christ!

I'm pretty sure we would be excellent friends, this artfully cropped gentleman and I.

The whole experience reminded me of my experience with the Muslim culture. Following the 9/11 attacks (I was obviously really young at the time, but old enough to remember), I found myself viewing all Muslims as radical, irrational terrorists. My incuriosity had led me to think poorly of an entire culture I knew next to nothing about. It was only when I read Three Cups of Tea, by Greg Mortenson, that I realized my perspective was all wrong. Muslims are wonderful people!

So, my challenge for you today is to consider ways you can increase your knowledge about groups of people that you don't know too much about, or even have poor perceptions of. Get to know them for them, and find ways to help other people know the truth about them as well. The best way to learn something about somebody else is to go to the source. 

So get out there! I know you'll find and share something.

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