Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Teamwork: eSport Tournament

1 Peter 2:17 - "Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the King."

A new video game just came out recently, and in order to raise awareness for the game, the company decided to run a team-based tournament exclusively for college students. The reward for winning said tournament would be three years of college tuition absolutely free. One of my fellow RAs, who got into the original Beta for the game, invited me to join his team, and I accepted.

Our standing in the tournament is a little shaky at the moment, it's true, but we're confident we haven't completely blown our chance yet. As it is, as we've worked together to hone our skills, I've recognized some very important things about, you guessed it, teamwork.

I still find it funny nobody has ever called me out on a title drop yet, but hey.

We all have really good ideas about how to accomplish important objectives, but sometimes, we don't all work toward the same objective at the same time. As it is, our individual strengths are fifthed as we separate and, usually, end up failing all the objectives we originally set out to accomplish. Our strengths as individuals really shine when we move through the objectives as a collective unit, working together to find solid success.

I never thought I'd say this, but as in video games, as in life. Each of us are capable of standing on our own, but the Lord has given us weaknesses along with our strengths. When we find others with complementary strengths, we are able to accomplish more than when we stand alone.

And that, my friends, is why people are awesome.

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