Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Beginning Anew: Fresh Employment

No matter what career I end up selecting, I suspect I might get bored of it after a while.

Well, maybe 'bored' isn't the right word, but over the last few weeks, I've found myself eagerly anticipating a massive change in my life, namely my change of employment. Sure, I'm staying in the same place and working with many of the same people, but my actual work purposes are drastically altered.

But anyway, going back to the point, for many weeks now, I've been craving a change in pace and rhythm, continually seeking a new start in something, anything. Though I experienced some defeats, some victories, and some epiphanies before the summer began, and I'm sure I will continue to so do throughout the summer, many unresolved aspects of my life all found answers around this time of transition.

And so, I have another chance. To clean off my slate, to try something new, to push forward and not look back. I have the chance to shed my skin and release my summer molt. It's time for me to shake my legs and kick off some dust. It's time for me to move. 

What changes have you been making in your life lately? Be sure to comment below!

Th new crew.

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