Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Choices: Vending Machines

1 Nephi 8:32 - "... and many were lost from his view, wandering in strange roads."

I have a meal plan with my University on account of my employment, which gives me access to every on-campus food vendor. Given that the various restaurants are closed at certain parts of the day (like at 3 am) and that I'm often too lazy to actually leave my dorm to attend them, my first resort for food is usually ...


I know none of you suspected this, but I want to be on the record as saying that VitaminWater did not pay me to promote their product.

The problem with this set-up is that I have now eaten every option from the vending machines literally five times each. I desire to eat almost nothing from these machines anymore, which is why I've taken to sticking with nothing but my favorites.

It's funny. I have all these choices to choose from, and yet all I do is gravitate toward the same choices I did from the beginning of the year. After having my fun experimenting and trying new things from the vending machines, I've more or less settled into a routine of eating habits. In all honesty, having exceedingly more choices in the first place really didn't help me make decisions any better, either. Really, the many choices only served to compound and lengthen my decision-making process.

I suspect this is true with life. I think sometimes we, as spiritual beings, yearn for greater agency, and experience a period in which we try other paths away from the gospel to find greater happiness. However, as we continue trying to understand life and everything afforded us, I think we will find the most happiness always comes from God. I know this.

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