Saturday, March 14, 2015

Prayer: Reunion at Dickey's

Matthew 28:20 - "... and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen."

The legendary tripanionship of Montego Bay 2013, had the opportunity to reunite at a Barbecue pit yesterday. It was super awesome!

And a Fiance makes four!
I was all dressed up for my job interview, which was happening literally immediately following our lunch together. As it was, I was far overdressed for the occasion, and was subjected to some mild ribbings from the crowd at large. I took it all in good stride, of course, until one of my mates pointed out, "So, you're all dressed up, but forgot to shave, huh?"


Oh shoot.

I'd forgotten to shave!

The description for the job included, of course, the stipulation that all employees follow the honor code of the school at all times, including, but not limited to, being clean-shaven. There I was, all ready to head out for my interview, and I looked wholly out of place.

I could have left the reunion earlier than planned, but, come on. Bros before pesos. As I careened through the streets of Provo-Orem, I contemplated running up to my room, grabbing my electric shaver, and doing the job on the way over. However, I immediately recognized that I would be late if I so did. Sighing, I decided punctuality was more important than clean-shavenness. Before I went in, I prayed that, whatever happened, it would be for the best.

About halfway through the interview, the interviewers asked me about my greatest strengths and weaknesses.

I smiled.

An opportunity to play on my hygienic faux pas had come to fruition.

"Well, one of my strengths is that I am very open and quick to admit my mistakes. One of my weaknesses is that I often forget to pay attention to detail." I winked and rubbed my chin. "For example, as you can see, I forgot to shave this morning."

The interviewers all laughed. "I didn't even notice!" one said.

If that wasn't an answer to prayer, I don't know what is, Barbecue with friends probably didn't hurt, either.

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