Friday, March 13, 2015

Branching Out: Dudes at Zumba Night (VIDEO)

Doctrine and Covenants 105:10 - "That they themselves may be prepared, and that my people may be taught more perfectly, and have experience, and know more perfectly concerning their duty, and the things which I require at their hands."

As most of you know, I've been teaching myself Capoeira, or Brazilian Dance-Fighting, since the beginning of the year. I chose to learn Capoeira specifically for several reasons: first, so I could structure an actually fun workout, and second, so I could improve my ability to dance.

I've always been fascinated by dancers and the like, and have gone on many dates with various such individuals. I figured that, if I wanted to impress a dancer, I needed to improve my own game in that. This is why, when I was researching different workout disciplines, Zumba crossed my mind as a possibility.

When I heard residence life was throwing a Zumba night down, I figured, Hey, why not see what I missed? As I later explained to my friends my intentions to go to the event, however, my best mate scorned me. "Man, Zumba's so ... girly!" He couldn't see why I would want to try it out, and refused my invitation to join me.

Our conversation meandered around for a while until we got into a thinkjoust over who was more in touch with their feminine side. After we, as a group, concluded that I am far more in touch with my feminine side than my best mate. He was flustered. "No way," he said.

"All right, then," I said. "I'll give you a chance to prove you're more in touch than I am."


I leaned in, my eyes going wild. "Come with me to Zumba night."

Zing! The hook was set.

And so off we went.

Even though both of us felt incredibly ridiculous and mostly out of place, we had a blast. Well, at least I did. He at least found it passable.

As I chowed down on my yogurt, I contemplated a newfound desire to try more new things, even daily. With the world as wide as it is, it's impossible to experience everything, but, step-by-step, as I grasp hold of what I do--even when I'm trying something as simple as Zumba--I begin to understand my fellow spirit siblings just a little bit better, and then, understand God just a little bit better.

But don't take my word for it. Go on yourself! As for me, well, I wasn't done sweating yet, so I'mma get back to it. Ready?

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