Saturday, March 7, 2015

Calm Resplendent: Relaxation Failure

Luke 8:24 - "And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Master, master, we perish. Then he arose, and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm."

I have a problem.

It's not a bad problem, to be sure, but it's a problem. I just can't relax.

It's true! Yesterday, I went home after a long day of study and all that, and figured, hey, I've been working hard all week, I've been productive today, why don't I just sit down and watch some TV?

So, I did. 

For five whole minutes. 

Then I split the screen, putting Netflix on one side and pulling up the document for my journal on the other. I began to type away, my attention jumping from side to side depending on how interesting Netflix was proving.

All right, so I said it was a problem, but honestly, it's a good thing as well. I seem to have successfully conditioned myself to regularly push forward in regards to what motivates and drives me. 

After all, my schoolwork is consistently completed and turned in on time. My personal projects, while occasionally set aside in favor of my aforementioned education, are never fully abandoned. For the most part, I daily accomplish something in each of my focuses, those being my scripture studies, my capoeira training/conditioning, my journal digitizing, my novel writing, my English/ASL/D+C/RA homework/assignments, and, yes, even my blog.

In the end, though, whenever and however I'm trying to let my light so shine, I feel that the Lord is pleased. Many of my interests and skills were gifts from Him, and when I spend even seconds of my downtime trying to bless and uplift even just one person, it is all worth it. And even when I am overwhelming myself in my own self-imposed deadlines, the Lord helps calm my soul.

So! What are you going to accomplish today? Be sure to comment below! Always comment below! I love talking to ya!

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