Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Kneeling: Storm Cloud

Matthew 5:44 - "... Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you ..."

I was furious yesterday.

Not at anything or anyone in particular, just at the world. Well, I guess I was angry at things and people in particular in a general sense, but I wasn't specifically angry at any one conception, I was specifically angry at a lot of things that only compounded to form one giant cloud of non-specific anger.

Ya dig?

Anyway, so I was chilling at mi amigo's house last night, venting about everything that had caused me frustration. Given my rather over-dramatic way of saying things, I was prompting some laughter from the assembled group. Finally, just before I left for home, mi amigo said, with his tongue firmly in cheek, something along the lines of, "Well, I'll be sure to curse anyone who's giving you grief in my prayers tonight!"

This was given the due amount of laughter. Our other amigo said, "Well, I'm going to pray for them. How about that?"

The conversation was light-hearted, but the combination of the statements struck me. Had I prayed for my enemies? Had I really gone before the Lord and asked him to soothe my troubled heart? Or was I just complaining?

So, last night, I made sure to kneel down and pray specifically for those with whom and for what I had struggles.

I can't say my anger went away completely. But it was enough, at that moment, to calm me down. I felt foolish as I lay in bed, realizing I'd forgotten exactly what it was that I needed to do to be like Christ. As I continue my project of digitizing my journals, I see that desire, over and over again.

It was a nice, if somewhat painful, reminder.

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