Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Two Mites: Surprise Party (with Added Commentary)

1 John 4:18 - "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out all fear ..."

The thoughtfulness of the people around me brings warmth to my heart.

Consider this simple story, unheralded, soon forgotten by the world. One member of a family home evening group had a birthday. Unbeknownst to her, the members of her 'family,' along with a few of her other friends, most individuals who'd barely known her for a few months, all of whom were starving college students, scraped their funds together to buy pizza and pastries and drink and put on a surprise party.

I know many individuals who would have hesitated to be so giving, so free with their love. I might have been one, myself. However, as I watched this outpouring of charity and love, I couldn't help but smile. I hear on the news of hatred, malice, fighting, contentions, and other great and terrible things, but, last night, I saw Humanity at its finest. I saw the teachings of Jesus Christ perfectly exemplified by a small group of college freshmen, untrained and untested in the world, doing what they knew was the better part. And that gave me hope.

How have you seen someone demonstrate Christlike charity in the past week? Comment below!

I wrote a commentary about this post on September 17, 2015. Click here to read!

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