Monday, November 10, 2014

Agency: Whichever Door (with Added Commentary)

D&C 93:31 - "Behold, here is the agency of man ..."

Some of my residents are planning on moving out this next semester. Some of them are leaving on missions. Some of them just want a change of venue.

I'm definitely going to be sad to see them go, especially the monk of the group, but I totally admire them for the decisions they're making. Each are making choices that will affect them, for good or bad, for the rest of their lives, choices I have also made, choices I'm glad I did.

I think, in the world we now live in, it is getting more frightening to make choices. I don't know what kind of risks existed back in the old days, but now, we consider risk in everything, from buying a new cell phone to ordering the seafood surprise at Subway. The bigger the decision, it seems, the more trepidation we put into making them. From career to marriage to children to buying that big screen TV (from least to greatest importance, obviously), we wonder, What are the risks? Will I get to where I need to be by making this specific decision?

And so it goes, the beauty of the thing. I can't imagine a world where I wasn't able to choose my own brand of toothpaste, or the activities I pursue on the weekends, or even what I write about in these posts. The fact that we have our agency, our freedom to choose, is a glorious thing, a gift granted to us by God himself. Yes, these decisions we make are difficult at times, but they are why and how we grow. And that is enough.

I thought of all this yesterday as I stood in my hallway at some time past midnight, alone, pondering the day, already missing some of the friends I've made before they've even left. Each door was literally filled with possibilities, as our future leaders planned and worked and prayed.

Which door will you take?

I wrote a commentary about this post on October 15, 2015. Click here to read!

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