Monday, November 24, 2014

Determination: Turkey Bowl: NaNoMo Day 24

Don't forget to visit yesterday's Snapshot Sunday!

Matthew 11:28-30 - "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest ..."

This past Saturday, one of my fellow RAs and I hosted a Turkey Bowl of sorts featuring both Frisbee and football as the primary sports of choice.

Tossing around the ol' pigskin, good chap.

The event was a success. The eleven dozen donuts were devoured, the hot chocolate sipped, the football caught, the flags torn ... Even though it started raining, even though it was freezing outside, even though the donuts were soaked, everyone had a blast.

I suspect we could have ended the event an hour early and no one would have really minded or cared. The tensions were fairly high in the last few minutes of the last game, and I wasn't really sure how much fun some of the others were actually having considering their verbalized frustrations. However, as is true of men, we toughed it out because none of us wanted to be the first one inside, or even miss out on a single second of the action.

Watching these guys from the sidelines, acting as the referee, I thought about their resolve to push through no matter how miserable the conditions may or may not have been making them. Regardless of numb fingers and stinging palms and soggy underwear, my friends pushed through and squeezed every drop of the experience they could.

Sometimes. no matter how much we want something, we just give up. Adversity here, a stumbling block there, or a rock and a hard place right in front of us, it is easy to convince ourselves it's not worth it and walk away. And yet, we hear stories of intrepid explorers conquering wastelands, women without arms crafting bracelets with her feet, zeroes who become heroes, nobodies who make it big in politics, film, business, or anything else you can think of. Each and every time, it is resolve that enables them to find what they are looking for.

So, whether it is the raw manliness to keep playing games in less than optimal weather, or whether it is the determination to achieve a lifelong dream no matter the cost, I know you can and will succeed. The Lord is on your side, and He will help.

Incidentally, today is the last week of November, and therefore is the last chance I have to be working on my novel. I have six days of writing left before the end, and so it's time to strengthen my resolve as well.

Let's do this.

I haven't started today. Saturday will be my last.

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