Monday, July 14, 2014

Three Strategies vs. Three Hours

2 Nephi 32:3 - "...feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do."

I've never been very good at focusing, I'll admit. Whenever I do any one 'tedious' activity (according to my reckoning) for an extended period of time, one of three things happen.
One, I find myself gazing off into space thinking about anything from the latest Brandon Sanderson novel to the intelligence of mice.
Two, I try to power through the activity and earn myself a mild headache.
Three, I break up the workload by pausing infrequently, taking a few minutes to engage in some other activity. I might surf Wikipedia or TVTropes, or watch sketch comedy on YouTube.
Unfortunately, I have this tendency to be distracted even while doing something as simple as listening, even when I'm listening to something I'm genuinely interested in. For example, during church yesterday, I found my mind wandering every which way. My attempts to power through resulted in even more mind wanderings. Determined, I decided to do my very best to break up the workload while maintaining my mental devotion to my worship and to my Lord and Savior.

I made it a bit of a game to assist youngest sis in increasing her own focus during church. When she hid out in the lobby, I drew her back inside. Sure, she crashed in my lap almost immediately (thanks for the photo, mom!), but I escorted her to Sunday school, sat with her, and then orchestrated a massive effort amongst her friends to keep her during Young Women. I focused on helping her have the best possible experience at church, which in turn, aided my own experience (yeah, I know the picture looks like I'm either asleep or silently plotting the world's demise, but I swear I was awake). As it was, even though sis didn't admit it, I think both of us had a far more enjoyable and effective Sunday service.

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