Sunday, March 6, 2016

Ears - Sunday Snapshot #10


  1. Dear diary: Learned a new word today. Not so sure how to use it in a sentence exactly, but for my posterity let the record show that this is the very first time i have ever heard of "rubber-necking"

    1. WHAT. That's amazing! I guess I'm glad I was able to educate, though I wrote the post with the assumption everyone knew what it is. Do you feel educated about rubbernecking now?

  2. wow I have no idea how this comment ended up here instead of on the actual post on rubbernecking, I'm sorry haha! No, I've never heard about it. Yes, I do feel like it was accurately explained but it never seemed to be a big enough issue for me to notice it. Sometimes people slow down around accidents just out of courtesy and safety to police officers, tow trucks, and others who might be disorientated around the scene? those were always my suspicions.

    1. Well, that is a much more Christlike way of viewing things! Thanks for that. :)
