Thursday, January 28, 2016

Throwback Thursday #3 (Video) - Throwback Commentary #55

Hey there! This is a commentary discussing the post I wrote on December 4, 2014. Click here to read the original post!

I'm trying to push poetry more now that our last poll of 2015 revealed that poetry is the most popular type of post among poll participants.

That sounds like a headline.

Penman Pushes Poetry Posts when Poll Participants Prefer Poets!

Anyway, I digress.

I had a great idea back in the day to turn all my poetry into music. However, I'm very aware of my musical limitations, and I soon decided that you guys probably didn't want to hear me belt the same four chords over and over again. So, I limited myself, and I tried spreading out the music love.

I became further constricted when I got rid of my laptop and lost my webcam. My ability to make videos in my own time flagged, and I've had to teach myself how to use the editing programs that are free to use here at the University.

Regardless, my first explorations regarding turning original poems into rap can be found at the link at the top of the post.

Let me know if you think I nailed it in the comments below!

Hey there! This is a commentary discussing the post I wrote on December 4, 2014. Click here to read the original post!

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