Thursday, January 21, 2016

Lights Multitude (Poem) - Throwback Commentary #54

Hey there! This is a commentary discussing the post I wrote on December 3, 2014. Click here to read the original post!

Looking back on this poem, I have to say, I think something's wonky with the meter. Oops. Also, I was really favoring syntactic deviation. All those words mixed around however I pleased.

It's been so long since I wrote this poem, I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a conversation. Well, I take that back. It is supposed to be a conversation, but I can't tell if the conversation is two sides, or one side. Is the light comforting the reader? Is a more experienced light consoling an inexperienced light? What do you think?

In the end, I think the message is the best thing to take away from the poem. It doesn't matter if you feel your strength, your talents, or your abilities are weak; they are still needed.

I hope you enjoy the poem, and I hope you enjoy the greater focus on poetry in the next few months!

Coming soon: Winter Wonder Slam

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