Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Thinkjoust Tuesday #26 - Early Christmas Decorations?

Last Week's Results: Do You Plan Your Day?

I plan some parts out. - 50%
Of course! - 25%
No way! - 25%

Well, that was a pretty simple spread. I approve.

As far as I can tell, people are of two philosophies regarding Christmas decorations. Yes, I'm aware philosophies and beliefs come in a spectrum, but literally, everyone seems to be of two minds.

The first philosophy is simple. "OMG I LOVE CHRISTMAS I WANT TO CELEBRATE IT EVERY DAY CHRISTMAS IN JULY WHEEEEEE!" These people wouldn't mind if Christmas decorations were left up all year round.

Then you have the second philosophy. "Please! Please can we just keep Christmas to the month of December only?" These people get severely frustrated when Christmas decorations go up in September.

Sometimes, I think these opposing views prompt hatred between parties.

So, what do you think? Use your Google account to comment below! Add your voice to the poll on the right! Let's settle this debate once and for all!


  1. Christmas decorations can go up after Thanksgiving. Just like the food on my plate, holidays should not touch.

  2. I don't mind seeing the Christmas decorations early, though they seem to be going up earlier and earlier each year. When you take in to account that most college students go home several weeks before Christmas, early Christmas decorations gives one a chance to celebrate on campus before heading out for the break.
