Monday, November 16, 2015

Stronger: First Snow Fall

I returned from my mission to Jamaica in 2014. A few months later, I experienced a winter without an accompanying 85 degrees of heat.

I was miserable.

I hated every second, every moment of that blasted winter. I was unused to the cold, I didn't particularly enjoy it, and longed for sunnier days.

Winter is fast approaching home here in Utah.

The weather a week or so ago.

The weather today.

For some reason, I don't mind the cold as much.

I can't be like Elsa (click here to read my thoughts about that character) and say "The cold never bothered me anyway," but I can say it doesn't bother me now. I've gained a resilience to bad weather I didn't have before.

Life is like that. Life throws fastballs and guano and every trial under the sun at me. It's horrible. At the same time, as I tackle and rise above every challenge, I become stronger.

And that's all I can ask for.

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