Saturday, August 15, 2015

Expectations: Anne of Green Gables Film

Wednesday was my day off this past week. As I was writing up blog posts, short stories, and job applications, I received a text from my supervisor, sent to myself and all of my coworkers.

I stared at that text. This particular version was the three and a half hour long epic produced by Kevin Sullivan.

I wanted to go. After all, a lot of my friends were going. But it was a huge commitment, and the subject of the movie seemed totally disinteresting to me. After all, a coming-of-age story featuring an orphan in her daily routines does not really appeal to my general tastes. 

I stared at my phone.

I wanted to spend time with my friends and family, but I fully expected to be pretty bored throughout the film. I figured I could either multitask or excuse myself at an appropriate time.

When I left that night, my attitude was much different.

I loved that movie! Though my enthusiasm was pretty lackluster during the first thirty minutes of the movie, my attentiveness and engagement steadily rose until I was actually disappointed the movie was over. Me! Wanting more! Of a three hour film. That book is now also on my reading list, if I ever finish The Count of Monte Cristo. 

I can't tell you how many times I've had my doubts about something, and then chosen not to give it a try in favor of something more familiar. Considering that, I can't tell you how many times I've missed out on something I would absolutely love because of those very same doubts.

This is a blog designed to uplift and encourage. Here's my encouragement for today. Get out there, and fine your own Anne Shirley.

I can't wait to hear about your experiences. 


  1. I love Anne of Green Gables! Anne is the character I've most identified with since I was a kid. I totally should have shown it to you freshman year, but alas, at least you have experienced the joy now. :)
