Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Comrades: Night on the Utahn Frontier

It is true it can sometimes be difficult to make new friends over a summer term in a University town. Despite this, considering my coworkers and this distinguished body of gentlemen here, I have nonetheless found success in this endeavor.

The night I spent with this group, including two of my three future roommates, was quite an adventure. Rumor had it that a neighboring University was showing an outdoor movie, and seeing as how three and a half of us are single, we decided to see if we could snag any dates. It didn't take us long to determine that one, the event was designed for couples, and two, the movie was awful.

Not to let a good night go to waste, we five pwned some noobs on a couple of server before fueling up at the local clown emporium. Then, with our brotherhood more firmly solidified, we bid adieu and went our separate ways.

Once, it would have been difficult for me to go out on an adventure like that. Shoot, it once would have been difficult for me to form bonds with anyone new. As the summer has progressed, however, I've been able to see how much I've grown, and how much I've come to appreciate all of my friends, new and old. Each person I meet has something fresh to offer, some new philosophy or thought that gets me thinking about things in liberating and fascinating ways, and so each friend leaves a different impact on my heart, mind, and soul. That is why I have cherished making new friends AND maintaining my other relationships this past summer. And I wouldn't change it.

So get on out there! Meet someone new today! I guarantee they'll help you see another side of life.

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