Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Thinkjoust Tuesday #30 - Which Features of C&C Could You Not Live Without?

As 2015 prepares to tuck itself in for the last time, I'm performing an inventory of Change and Cherish and the various features I employ.

I figure you probably have some opinions about which sort of posts are your favorite as a fan of Change and Cherish, and I'm curious to know for which features you come here. I'll include an explanation about each feature down below, and then you can vote for your favorites in the poll on the right hand side! Your votes may change the future of the blog itself.

Slice of Life

Change and Cherish was founded on a series of Slice of Life posts. The typical format is to talk about an experience I had, and then comment on the spiritual connection I made. Even though I don't write as many today, Slice of Life posts make up the majority of all posts.


I used to have a goal to write two poems a month, though now I might produce one every three months. I've transcribed a few of these poems to song, and I've recently begun illustrating a few I've written.

Sunday Snapshot

I started doing these so I wouldn't have to work on the blog on Sunday. They're basically inspirational quotes I've personally penned, set against a backdrop of some sorta nature shot.

Throwback Thursday

Once a way to spotlight posts of the past, I now usually write Throwbacks to add some sort of commentary or backstory about the creation of the post.


These take a lot longer to write/produce, but focus on a wide range of topics, including musical performances to celebration posts commemorating milestones for the blog.


I do these whenever I feel like it, but I've reviewed movies like Frozen to car commercials. Sometimes I talk about whether the entertainment is uplifting, and other times, I just gripe about how annoying I find it.


I am a proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (or Mormonism), and will occasionally write entire posts outlining my beliefs, including when there is a controversy within the church itself. I also occasionally make commentary about religion in general, though these posts are often closely related to the political posts.

Thinkjoust Tuesday

Hey, that's what you're reading right now! For most of the feature's existence, it's basically been an excuse to poll audience members regarding their mostly insignificant opinions, like whether summer or winter is a better season. It originally started to help foster open communication between internet-goers.


A more recent topic on the blog, if I see something in the news that I have opinions about, good golly, I'm gonna say something about it.

Know Your Candidate

And, finally, these are the posts that display the knowledge I've begun accumulating about presidential candidates as they struggle through the primaries. If I don't have an opinion about current events, then this post takes up the Saturday slot.

So, there you go! Vote away, and tell your friends! This poll will be up for two weeks instead of the usual one.

1 comment:

  1. All your posts are entertaining and wholesome
