Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Stronger: Abrupt Guitar Purchase

I called my best mate on Sunday night to ask him for help. "There's something I've been putting off for a while," I said. "I need to buy a guitar."

"You need to buy a guitar? What, are you going to suffocate without one?"

"Yeah, that joke's not old yet. Seriously, though, I've been meaning to teach myself how to play one for a while."

"And by 'teach yourself,' you mean 'ask me to teach you.'" 

"Glad we have an understanding."

In all honesty, I have wanted to up my musical ante in this regard for a while. While I love the ukelele, and can't imagine a foreseeable future in which it isn't my go-to instrument, I have reached a rather wicked incline in regards to the learning curve required to fully master the instrument. 

I might have been able to surmount this difficulty were I to prioritize my time differently, but seeing as how my top priority is currently revolving around my writing projects (like this blog), my forward progression has been stymied. As it is, I have felt quite stagnant in my musical abilities as of late, and have been craving some actual feeling of growth.

I think that's true for all of us, though, even if we're not feeling particularly musically motivated. In listening to songs that have become popular recently, I find that many use their lyrics to focus on the ability we children of God have to grow, to develop, to become a better, more enviable person than we are currently. Even if many try to pretend otherwise, the message is out there. We will not be beaten. We will not bow down. We will rise above our weaknesses, either for us, for each other, or for Him.

I know that, no matter what happens, we can rise above and even surprise the weaknesses we, ourselves, so often struggle with. We can, indeed, become stronger.

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