Monday, May 25, 2015

Diligence: Buffalo Head

Mosiah 10:11 - "Now, [they] knew nothing concerning the Lord, nor the strength of the Lord, therefore they depended upon their own strength ..."

There once was a mighty buffalo, a mighty buffalo indeed, capable of goring, trampling, and curb-stomping the strongest of unarmed men in a fight thanks to its physical superiority.

But alas, alas for the mighty buffalo indeed, for it failed to prepare for man's mental superiority, falling mightily before the might of a single bullet. Its head now rests on display in the lobby of a college dorm, forlornly watching college students perform PDAs for the rest of its tired existence.

So, too, the Bismarck, the supposedly unsinkable battleship that fell thanks to a torpedo right in the rudder. I ended up studying this story yesterday, and it really got me thinking about how I am truly fallible.

There are so many things at which I succeed. I have so many talents God has blessed me with, much like how he's blessed you (and don't try to convince me you're not talented, because you definitely are!), and sometimes, it's easy to begin believing that I've reached a peak in my abilities, that I don't need to grow or progress or evolve. If I'm not careful, I just might end up like our friends Buffalo and Bismarck here.

So, I struggle every day to improve myself, to make myself stronger, be it in writing, in music, even in my social skills.

I challenge you to do the same.

PS: Guess which blog just hit over ten thousand views? 


  1. What??? Over 10,000 views? That is stupendous stuff my friend! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you! Couldn't have done it without ya! :)
