Monday, March 28, 2016

#EngineForGabriel - What You Need to Know

"Ok, I'll bite," you say. "What is #EngineForGabriel?"

The best way to introduce this is to show you the YouTube video that inspired me to write this post in the first place. So here it is!

"Cool, Zac," you may say to me. "Why do you even care?"

It's a good question. Obviously I do for some reason.

Gabriel has a dream. I may bash the idealistic notion of following your dreams, but that doesn't mean I'm not a dreamer myself. I'm trying to self-publish a book on Kindle Direct, for crying out loud. If that doesn't scream 'dream-chaser,' I don't know what does.

But let's say Gabriel makes it into the air using this engine of his. That is inspiring. That is legendary. That will challenge the perspectives of all realists everywhere, including myself. Dreams can happen. Dreams can come true.

So I want you to consider your life. Have you ever had a dream that seemed unattainable? A dream requiring mountains of obstacles to overcome? Are you chasing one of those dreams right now?

Well, for all the dreamers out there, support #EngineForGabriel. Let's make a man fly, and in doing so, inspire contemporaries and generations to come.

Unfortunately, Ylvis' rabid fans got there more quickly than I could. I couldn't find too much information on updates, but here's what I found.

So we can't donate to help out now. However, click here to visit And even though you can't help out, be sure to follow the story and see Gabriel make his first flight!

Make dreams happen.

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