Thursday, August 13, 2015

Throwback Thursday #35 - Dance-Off Challenge Continues

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Today's throwback comes to us from October 23 of last year.

Whenever I'm embarking on a creative project, I go through several levels of enthusiasm. The first is usually akin to self-deprecating doubt, and always the toughest to hurdle. Aw, man, I'll think. This is the worst idea I've ever had.

After I contemplate this worst idea, however, I suddenly have a eureka moment. I see a solution to an issue I originally had with the concept, or some new layer pops into my mind. Yes! I'll think. This is the best idea I've ever had!

Now, depending on how long it takes me to dive into the project, I may or may not jump back and forth between these two emotions several times before finally beginning. An example of this back and forth includes my work on my Jackalope novel (which I speak of briefly in this post here). After all, I've been working and tweaking that project on and off again for nearly four years now.

Anyway, I could discuss my other levels of enthusiasm, but I'll save that for later. For now, just know that, in regards to the dance-off challenge, I was most definitely in stage two when I wrote that post. Even I'm impressed with the raw bubbliness I express in this post.

But don't just take my word! Click here to read Let Your Light So Shine: Dance-Off Challenge Continues!

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