Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What to do with your Bad Day: Blanket Folding

I worked a late shift this past Friday, and when I woke up early Saturday morning for another shift, I could feel it.

The volcano lies dormant within me for a majority of the time, but when it is roused, it spews forth a thick, black cloud of raging heat, magma overflowing to burn and scald anyone who dares come too close.

I felt that volcano stretching and yawning within me, ready for another day of red hot anger.

Oh boy, I thought to myself. Not this, please.

What I did all Saturday morning.

It was clean-up day, and we were asked to go through all the rooms and fold blankets for the next week. The volcano burned within me, urging me to tell everyone just how much I was going to loathe this assignment and how tired I was of completing it.

I bit my tongue. Shhhhh, I told the volcano.

A proper demonstration on how to bite your tongue like a true gentleman.

The volcano became particularly boiled when I was put into a bit of a predicament I felt rather unfair. Shhhh, I told the volcano.

It was with great effort that I refrained from snapping at anyone for the next six hours. When my shift was finally over, it was with great relief that I went home and went back to bed. I was grateful I hadn't let the volcano erupt on anyone ... at least this week.

I think all of us have our bad moments, our bad days. That's totally cool! We're allowed to have those! However, when I am having a bad day, it really grinds my gears when I end up taking it out on other people. After all, after my volcano goes back to dormancy, I feel like the tool that made the heel on someone's shoe.

And I think that's the thing. Even when I am in the foulest mood, I have days like Saturday in which I successfully control it. Because of this, when I do lose control, I know I don't really have an excuse.

Either way, in the end, I really do appreciate bad days. After all, you can only go up from them! I don't know I would recognize a good day if I'd never had a bad day. Yes, they're a struggle, but they give me perspective, and for that, I am truly grateful.

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