Friday, August 28, 2015

Another Chance: Brother's Birthday

This post was originally in my scheduling, but I apparently misplaced it somehow. Oh well! Today's appropriate anyway.

About ten days ago, I went up to bust my brother out of his training program to celebrate his birthday. We didn't have a lot of time, so we mainly just wandered around a mall, went to a geek store, ate food, and played card games.

My brother and I weren't really all that close growing up, and we weren't really all that close for many months following my return from my two year hiatus from America. However, for a large variety of reasons, some of the walls between us are broken down, and we've been able to develop a much stronger brotherhood.

As I write this post, I am sitting parked outside the building in which his program is housed. Today is his graduation, and I, for one, am thrilled to have the opportunity to be here. I'm sure it represents a lot of things for him, but for me, it represents a second shot with our relationship. 

This experience also helps me think about the Savior. 

I'm sure I estrange myself from Christ every day. No, I know I do. And yet, as I work and try my hardest to become more like Him, to fix the broken aspects of our relationship, He has promised me many chances to make things right. I don't know how He could have made such a promise, even when He knew all the heartache I'd put Him through, but He did.

So, now it's my turn.

It's our turn.

For my brother and I, it's Day One for the both of us.

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