Friday, January 15, 2016

The Top 10 ASL Signs Every Hearing Person Should Know

As long time Change and Cherish Blog readers know, I have been taking classes to learn American Sign Language, or ASL for short.

Recently, I have been stymied by how many people don't know even basic ASL, especially when I'm trying to communicate to someone in a quick and efficient manner. So, I created this post to teach everyone basic signs so that you, too, can communicate like the best of communicators.

1. Basic Pronouns (You, I, Them)

How to Perform these Signs: If you want to get someone's attention, just point at them. If you want to refer to yourself, point to yourself. If you want to discuss a third party, thrust your palm in their direction.

Relevance Example: If you want to talk about a third party but you don't want them to know, flash the 'them' sign and then use vague verbal pronouns. Hopefully, the object of your conversation didn't read this post.

2. Yes & No

How to Perform these Signs: If you want to say 'yes' to something, just raise your fist like you're about to pound it. Then move it up and down like it's a nodding head. If you want to say 'no' to something, raise your thumb, index, and middle fingers in the air, then bring them all together.

Relevance Example: Let's say your classmate or coworker yells a question across a crowded area. Your teacher or supervisor hears this and immediately chastises the offending coworker. You don't want to be as disruptive as your coworker, but you can still respond to their question with a simple hand sign. Well, so long as it was a yes or no question, I suppose.

3. Sorry & Please

How to Perform these Signs: The sign for 'sorry' is a closed fist rubbed clockwise against your chest. The sign for 'please' is an open palm rubbed clockwise against your chest,

Relevance Example: I'm amazed the middle finger is the only hand sign people use while driving. Sometimes, I make a mistake on the road, and I want to tell people I'm sorry. When that happens, I wish people knew why I've taken to frantically rubbing my fist against my chest.

4. Thank You

How to Perform this Sign: Make an open hand, with your palm exposed. Press your fingertips to your chin, and then bring your whole hand forward.

Relevance Example: When I'm out walking along a crosswalk, and a driver stops their car just before it creams me into the ground, I flash the 'thank you' sign. I'm sure the sign looks vaguely confrontational, but I'm really thanking the driver for sparing my life! I swear!

5. Wait

How to Perform this Sign: Hold your hands out in front of you, your palms facing your face. Keep your elbows close to your chest, and waggle those fingers.

Relevance Example: You're hanging out with your significant other when you run into an old friend. Your old friend's a talker, and launches into a long story about his financial situation. After a while, your significant other tugs on your shirt sleeve, signalling they want to leave. You flash your significant other the 'wait' sign. Your friend's almost done, after all.

6. What

How to Perform this Sign: Hold your hands out in front of you, palms facing upward. Shake them back and forth.

Relevance Example: Let's say someone is trying to tell you something at a noisy dinner table. Unfortunately, you didn't hear what they said, and your mouth is stuffed with the most delicious pie. Rather than be rude and talk with your mouth full, you pass them the 'what' sign so they know to repeat themselves.

7. How

How to Perform this Sign: Hold your fists in front of you, your thumb slightly extended. Twist your dominant hand forward.

Relevance Example: If you combine the 'you' sign with this sign, you get the phrase, "How You?" This is also known as "How are you?" in English. Now you can ask people obligatory generic questions designed to perpetuate meaningless small talk without ever opening your mouth!

8. Why

How to Perform this Sign: Hold your palm next to your head. Lower your middle finger and move it up and down.

Relevance Example: You're at a party when you spot your best friend talking to your crush. Your best friend grins at you and beckons you to come over. You just know your best friend is about to do something to embarrass you, but you decide to give them the benefit of the doubt. Instead of outright refusing to come over, you display the 'why' sign. This way, your friend knows you're suspicious of their intentions and that you want an explanation before you leave your spot.

9. Toilet

How to Perform this Sign: Slide your thumb in between your index and middle fingers. Wave back and forth.

Relevance Example: If you need to use the loo, and you want to announce this fact without, you know, announcing it, just flash this sign as you abandon conversations, friends, and business transactions.

10. Understand

How to Perform this Sign: Make a fist next to your head. Raise your index finger repeatedly.

Relevance Example: As you run to the restroom, you notice your best friend and your crush look confused. You already flashed the 'toilet' sign, so you slow down and flash the 'understand' sign. Your friends still look confused, so you realize they have no idea what you're doing with your hands. As you sit on the toilet, text them the link to this post so they, too, can make everyone else in the world educated. Or confused. Whichever comes first. 


  1. Educational AND entertaining!Thank you!I laughed, especially at this:
    "Now you can ask people obligatory generic questions designed to perpetuate meaningless small talk without ever opening your mouth!"

  2. Educational AND entertaining!Thank you!I laughed, especially at this:
    "Now you can ask people obligatory generic questions designed to perpetuate meaningless small talk without ever opening your mouth!"
