Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Gun Control: Where do YOU stand? - Thinkjoust Tuesday #31

Gun Control is a pretty big issue here in the United States right now. I currently stand somewhat apart from the debate, acknowledging the strengths and weaknesses of many, many different arguments and their various supporters.

I plan to use Saturday's post to present my final opinion about Gun Control after I study the various sides to the position. My studies will include any arguments you deliver via the comments section below.

I look forward to hearing what you all have to say. 

This picture was originally published in this post.

For those of you as uninformed as I am, here are some recent articles discussing this very topic:

1 comment:

  1. We need common-sense regulations. I support the Bill of Rights and it's vitally important that we never allow government to disarm its people. That said, we need a cooling-off period before a new gun can be acquired. Prospective gun owners should be subjected to a background check that includes a scan for certain mental-illness factors. And why not require firearms education? Any gun owner must be required to secure their guns. And, there should be legal penalties for any owner whose unsecured gun is used in a crime, or used by a child without proper training.
