Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Spiders vs. Mosquitoes - Thinkjoust Tuesday #54

You wake up.

Darkness surrounds you, an oppressive gloom sapping all input to your eyes. You sit up and feel for something, perhaps a light switch, but on the first three walls you find, you feel nothing but bricks.

As your hands brush against the fourth wall, you feel cold plastic beneath your fingertips. At your touch, the entire walls lights up with a pale blue light, momentarily blinding you. As your eyes adjust, you realize you've inadvertently turned on a touchscreen.

The touchscreen itself is nondescript, though the displayed information is somewhat unnerving.

You briefly contemplate hitting 'no' just to be a troll, but then worry that whoever's asking just might take you literally. You use your pointing digit and strike the 'yes' option.

I just did, you think. Gosh, so demanding.

You don't even have to be told which two insects are the most hated. Spiders and Mosquitoes, you think. Duh. But then you begin to wonder. If this machine really has that capability, why not just kill both of them?

The uncanny answer to your previous question seems both reasonable and illogical, but you ignore all that because something new has come up on your screen.

Ha! you think. I am totally biased, and they don't even know it. Suckers.

Well, that was uncalled for, you think.

Oh, and now you're making me do your dirty work? Shame on you, mysterious person behind all this! I bet this is a prank, anyway. I wouldn't put it past neighbor Bob to throw something like this together.

Eh. Still sounds like neighbor Bob.

All right already, you think. I've been waiting for this.

So now's your chance. Which do you choose? Be sure to leave your comments below or on social media, and I'll respond to your choice this next Saturday!


  1. Neither! If we kill the spiders, the mosquitoes will conquer the earth. And if we kill the mosquitoes, the spiders will starve. Hey ... wait a minute ...

  2. Mosquitoes. Just. Mosquitoes. I'm not going to say anything else.

  3. I think God should just replace all the spiders with a cute bug that kills other bugs. That'd be nice. In my dreams.
