Saturday, June 25, 2016

My Testimony of Christ - Response Saturday #21

Here is the testimony response I received this week.

And here is my own testimony.

I am a man prone to error and fault. I often find myself failing to live up to my standards and ideals, both assumed and self-imposed. I struggle at times to see myself as someone capable of much of anything at all.

But I remember the role of the Savior in my life. He is not just a name or a person or even a concept. He is real, He is invested in me personally, and He is willing to do everything he can to see my success. He took upon Himself my weaknesses, my sins, my mistakes, and my pains, and grants me the chance to erase them all, if I'll only do as He asks. And I'm willing.

I know Christ lives. I know He suffered for me in the garden and on the cross, and I know He continues to guide my life. I have felt his presence and his love time and time again, and I cannot deny them.

My testimony may be least of all. It's hard to impart how integral such a momentous relationship can be in my life. But it is. He is.

I know my Redeemer lives.

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