Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Influence of Friends: Long-Lasting Dominion

I have lived a lot of places in my life. If you count Parishes like I do States, then, in order, I have lived in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, Utah, Tennessee, Arizona, St. James, Clarendon, St. Catherine, Portland, Washington, and Utah again.*

Everywhere I go, with the possible exceptions of Indiana and Ohio because I barely remember them, I have been influenced and nourished by people who care about and love me unconditionally. Some of the greatest lessons I've ever learned in life have been because of the care others have shown unto me.

Yesterday, completely out of the blue, members of a beloved family from my North Carolina years called me up. We ended up spending a couple of hours together, reminiscing and catching up and enjoying each others' company. As the minutes all-too-quickly whisked away, I silently recalled moments when each individual present had changed my perspective on life, even when they had simply led through their quiet example. I doubt they'd even remember those moments themselves, but I still do. And I didn't even visit with the entire set, either!

 If I have anything to say from yesterday, I want to remind you that you are making a difference. You, too, have friends you are influencing for good daily, and you don't even know the extent. You may not be able to tell, and you may feel you are wasting your time sometimes, but you are where you need to be for some grand eternal reason. I know that.

I can promise you that.

Love you all! See you tomorrow!

*For posterity's sake, in years, that's 1.5; 1.5; 9; 6; 0.75; 0.16; 0.25; 0.375; 0.375; 0.375; 0.75; 0.16; 0.75. Give or take a month or two.

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