Friday, March 20, 2015

Relaxation: Bum Day

I pretty much did nothing yesterday,

I wasn't feeling well, and couldn't convince myself to get up and do anything. 

So, I didn't.

Most everything I needed or could have done went undone. My room remained a mess. My classes were unattended. My homework was virtually untouched. My novel was unwritten. I was just grateful it was a Thursday so I could throw down a Throwback real quick and move on. I felt well enough to drag myself to a commitment in the evening, but that was it.

And it was OK.

It was kind of nice not having to really worry about anything. I just did what I wanted, and that was enough. Looking back, what with all the commitments and plans I make for myself, I rarely have a day to just sit and think and not worry about what's stressing me.

Sure, I have a paper due in about three hours. I took a break from that to work on this, and once my ax is sharpened, back into the fray I'll go. Me taking a break obviously didn't get rid of all my problems, but, at the very least, it gave me the chance to reflect on how busy I make life, and how I need to give myself more time to slow down.

How about you? Is your life too busy to handle sometimes? Be sure to comment below!

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