Wednesday, October 1, 2014

He is Your Rearward (with Added Commentary)

D&C 49:27 - "Behold, I will go before you and be your rearward; and I will be in your midst, and you shall not be confounded."

You ever just feel beat up and bruised? Well, I have. Those are the days when even your power nap isn't enough to cure the bruises in your eyeballs, the days when you crest a hill only to discover you have two more mountains to climb, the days when you just need to sit back and take a much-deserved breather, the days when you just need a friend, not really to talk to, but because you just want to listen.

When I was a missionary, I was always comforted by the above verse, mainly because it was directed toward missionaries when the Lord originally delivered the revelation. However, since I've been back home, I recognize that that verse is not just for missionaries, but for all of us, every day. The Lord is with you. He is protecting you. He is guiding you. He loves you. And as you step out into the unknown, He will be your rearward.

I have seen that for myself. I know it's true.

I wrote a commentary about this post on June 4, 2015. Click here to read!

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