Friday, July 18, 2014

Two plugs (with Added Commentary)

Matthew 5:16 - "Let your light so shine before men ..."

I need to do a better job praying for individuals in my life more specifically. True, I often pray for groups in grands swoops, saying things like "please bless my [family/friends/NC bros/friends on missions/Jamaican comrades]" or however you will. I want to put more effort into my prayers in general, making them an experience and less of a checklist.

I was at work yesterday, minding my own business, slaving over yet another article for the company's iBlog, when I got not one, but two emails sending me the exact same YouTube link. The second email, sent about five minutes after the first, was actually from dad, so once I gleefully informed him our coworkers had beat him to the punch, I decided to check the video out.

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Look what I found on this YouTube channel. It's pure genius in a parody song. It's beautiful. My life makes sense now, somehow. It's like it's more worth living.
And no-one can take that away from me, unlike this guy...

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So click this link here...

Hey, there! I wrote a commentary about this post on December 11 of 2014. Click here to read it!

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