Monday, July 27, 2015

Where You're Needed: RA Hike

While my dream job involves getting paid to write blog posts every day, it is a true statement that I nonetheless need to work to, you know, eat and stuff. I'm sure most people would agree they would love to be paid to jump on their computer for an hour a day. Man, I sometimes think. Wouldn't it be great if I didn't have to work through school, at least?

The answer is no.

Of course, all last year, I worked with a stunningly amazingly group of resident assistants. Each of us were in charge of ensuring the freshmen under our care received the guidance they needed, and while we were paid for that service, I doubt many of us suspected were would also be rewarded with several deep and abiding bonds between our fellow coworkers.

A group of us decided to get together last weekend and go on a hike. While it was true that our group represented a very small fraction of the overall group, and that each of us frequently expressed regret we didn't have a complete set, we nonetheless felt energized just by being around each other.

We conquered the trail, and some of us even conquered steeper slopes. 

We enthusiastically jumped into whatever adventures were before us, egging each other on and laughing the entire way.

Looking back, there were certain things I really didn't like about being an RA. However, I wouldn't go back and change it. I couldn't imagine where I would be without having grown and experienced the tender, sweet parts of life without these people.

It's definitely a good thing I'm not being paid for blogging full-time yet.

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